Resume Formatting

Job searching just plain sucks! It's a job in itself. I know I have spent hours (day and night) writing resumes, searching for jobs, trying to figure what I need to add, take away, or just completely redo. Resume formatting has changed and though hundreds of people out there will charge you for the format. I am not. That's right NOT! $0 dollars. Look I have been where you are. Looking for work, trying to figure out who needs to see what and now with unemployment being at a low turn, applying for jobs is at this point and time and very competitive business, and those multiple "gurus" out there are working like crazy to get you to "buy" there service.  It's a cool thing and I wish them great success. 8 billion people on the planet sure they will find quite a few that will use them.  Let's be clear though, there are no guarantees with anything, the format they have, the format you currently use (if you have one), and what the format I have available will not always work.  

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Tech Trove is a promotional site for Project Mangement and AI Writing and other digital projects that is promoted through affiliate marketing.  With over 15 years of experience in Project Managment this site is here to promote, educate, and help project managers be more productive, more efficient, and more knowledgeable through tools, input from others and comments on the blog, if you would like to comment on the blog, please email us int the contact list and I will add your statement. Please keep things professional and please share your experiences we want to hear your stories.  Best!